CSA Share

2022 is quickly approaching. What a year it has been! For many of us, we strive to make positive changes and resolutions. Health is a big one. Proteins are pretty important. With this in mind, Red Barn Meats is going to offer a CSA share starting January 7th. Not that you have to be on a health journey to partake, but I think this makes it easier. You can trust that you will be getting high quality proteins without the additives and dyes that most of the meats on the market today contain. We want to provide you with the options of a whole or half share. Choose from Beef, Pork, Chicken, or a combination of all 3! We will supply you weekly with eggs and a variety of ground meats, chicken, sausage, steaks, and chops. Whole share is $500 and Half share is $275. In addition to weekly proteins, we will provide you with recipes to make things that much easier.  

The CSA share will run for 12 weeks. The prepay option allows us to give you a 15% discount, so you will be getting more for your money as well. You can pick up your share on site every Friday. If for some reason you cannot get there to pick it up, please call 315-376-9499 to arrange another time to pick up.  

Please call 315-376-9499 to reserve your spot or email caron.benoche@redbarnmeatsinc.com to reserve your spot.  

Happy New Year! 

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